Honesty, that's a pretty good percentage for the airlines!
I don't know which 6 it was. But here are some things to think about:
- Let's hope the luggage belonged to 6 boys. They probably weren't planning on changing their underwear, anyway.
- I predict that the luggage will arrive to the hotel with hours of the kids having already left for New Zealand.
- Some of the kids would have lost a bunch of stuff anyway. This just helps them to get it all over with quickly!
- It's really no big deal. How bad could a teenager smell after 19 days with the same clothes on? (Note: I'm glad I'm not on the flight sitting next to them on the way back!)
I'm sure it will work out fine. The airline has plenty of time to get the luggage to them at the airport.
Let us know if and when you hear anything.
By the way, I've had a couple of request to make my email easier to find. So now it is at the top of the right column. Hope that helps.
Chris is pretty funny! ha ha! I like his positive attitude. But it still doesn't help my curiosity!
He is obviously male and I female!!!
Don't worry. My wife doesn't find it quite as funny as I do, either. Though I have to say she is doing much better than I thought she would. This being the first time we've let any of our kids to ANOTHER HEMISPHERE !!!
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