talked to Sarah last night. She was so tired. Said they had a great day yesterday. I did not realize this and I could be the only one but I was supposed to call an 800 number on the sprint card to get an access code for Sarah to use to call home. Each country has its own code. I called Sprint this morning and called Sarah to give her the access codes for New Zealand and Australia and asked
her to let the other Sprint phone card kids know the access codes. Example: in New Zealand they will dial “000 999” which will put them through to a prompt that will lead them threw making a call. I don’t think Sarah would have used her card much in Fiji due to the cost but I am thinking she will use it the rest of the trip (I hope).

Chris, I have never called home from another country. If the info above does not sound correct, you don’t need to post this but I did actually speak to a sprint customer service rep and she explained this is how they work.
Toni Henderson
Editor's note: Since most of my long distance trips are over to Blue Springs and back I'll defer to more traveled people as to whether or not this sounds right.
sorry if this shows up twice .
Yes, that is correct. The caller needs to dial the access code for the country they are in and then they need to dial their pin # and then the number they are calling. They should be prompted to do this.
I talked to a Sprint cus serv rep before the trip and was given these instructions. I'm still waiting for my first phone call :)
kristin vaughn
For those who don't know- Australia has 2 phone systems and the kids will have to find out what system they are using and then dial the correct access code. AJ does have both of those if for the sprint cards so they could just ask him for the numbers.
Kathy Flood
yes, I'm sure it is. I did get that information for our AT&T cards, as well, however, I forgot to send them with Abby and my e-mail didn't get to her before she accessed the internet yesterday, so if I don't know whether she knows what to do or not... If someone is willing to have their child talk to Abby about it, I'd be grateful... otherwise, I probably won't hear from her at all unless they can access internet again.
Did anyone have e-mails that came through strangely? We got one from Abby as a reply to her Dad's, but all that came through was "Love, Abbbbbbbby" hope she wasn't passing along important information or asking for something because we have NO idea what, if anything, preceeded that...
Hi everyone. We got Maddy the Verizon prepaid card and I did call and had all the access codes for all three countries and talked to Maddy about how to do it. We have yet to hear from her either!!! My husband leaves for China for a week and sure was hoping that she might make contact before he leaves. I believe that I hear her roomie, Sarah, has talked to her family a couple of times. Maybe Sarah could pass along a message to Maddy that we would love to hear from her! :0)
Yes, the access codes for each country are confusing. You have to know which long distance operator you are using and then can determine which code to use.
It sounds like they are having a blast! If anyone hears from their kiddo after arrival in New Zealand, please forward that information. I hope their flights go smoothly for the remainder of the trip!
Hope everyone is doing well. We sure miss having Maddy at home! Although I'm certain she is loving the independence and wonderful experiences she is having!
Take care! The Gum family
Just FYI- Jonathan had all the codes from sprint. It still would not work. He would just get other people trying to use their cards. Hope it works better in NZ and AUS.
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