To further the cause of safety, I can also drill down on each push pin, all the way down to the block from where the server has connected to the internet. With that drill down comes an IP number. Law enforcement can also use those IP numbers to track down to the very house a computer is located.

As you can see, we have a reader located in the older downtown area of Overland Park.
None of this precludes bad people from doing bad things. But I don't think they will be able to use this blog to find our kids any more than they could have found out from travel itineraries posted on the P2P website or the airlines or the hotels or the people on the ground.
If you are a parent of these teenagers, please know that I am, too. Safety is the utmost concern and I would never do anything to put my son's life in harm's way.
If you are a guest reader, please know that you are welcome to continue to follow the travels of these student ambassadors. Their overall mission of Peace Through Friendship is a noble one.
Thank you. If you have any further concerns, don't hesitate to contact me.
Thanks for being so vigilant. I appreciate your efforts to protect our children.
Abby's Dad
I think it's great you put this info ON the blog...now everyone can see that we, (really you Chris!) are on top of things!!
Your are doing a fabulous job!!!!
Valerie Brake
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