It was fun talking to Dylan last night. He sounded a bit homesick, but I wasn't too surprised since his only other trips away from home were with Scouts, close to home and for only a week at a time. He had some great details that I thought others might like to hear.
1. He said that the first day he felt like everything that could go wrong did go wrong and that they raced through the airports and even RAN through customs - surprized me!!
2. He said they swam in a "real" waterfall day before yesterday, and that it was just awesome!!!
3. They already went to a Fiji school and the kids were great. He enjoys choir alot at home and said the kids sang to them and it was beautiful and he loved it.
4. He was having a terrific time shopping and the things for sale were great. He said he got me a gold ring with a little opal and it was sooo pretty and a silver ring for my daugher with waves in it, and that there were cool shirts with Fiji greetings on them and bright colored girls clothes with red and pink and orange flowers (couldn't believe he thought to notice all that!! He only had 1/2 of his $69.00 Fiji money with him that day, so things much be pretty reasonable!!
5. He said the food stinks and he is starving, but I told him to keep trying stuff till he found something he liked, but he was headed to dinner and sounded a bit afraid of that.
6. He has already take about 100 pictures and said it is the most beautiful place he could ever imagine.
That was about all he could fit into our brief conversation, but it was sooo fun to talk to him. The $10 phone card ran out at the end and I already had to call to fill it up, but overall it sounds amazing.
He also sends they all send their love and not to worry. Hope you all hear from your kids soon. Wish I was there - how about you???
Dylan's mom - Debbie Richey
P.S - keep up sending comments the blog site is exciting and I go on to check it as often as I can - I am a stay-at-home mom, so call me anytime. I attached a few pics from the party, just thought if your child was in them you might like to see, even though it is a bit after the fact.
1. He said that the first day he felt like everything that could go wrong did go wrong and that they raced through the airports and even RAN through customs - surprized me!!
2. He said they swam in a "real" waterfall day before yesterday, and that it was just awesome!!!
3. They already went to a Fiji school and the kids were great. He enjoys choir alot at home and said the kids sang to them and it was beautiful and he loved it.
4. He was having a terrific time shopping and the things for sale were great. He said he got me a gold ring with a little opal and it was sooo pretty and a silver ring for my daugher with waves in it, and that there were cool shirts with Fiji greetings on them and bright colored girls clothes with red and pink and orange flowers (couldn't believe he thought to notice all that!! He only had 1/2 of his $69.00 Fiji money with him that day, so things much be pretty reasonable!!

6. He has already take about 100 pictures and said it is the most beautiful place he could ever imagine.
That was about all he could fit into our brief conversation, but it was sooo fun to talk to him. The $10 phone card ran out at the end and I already had to call to fill it up, but overall it sounds amazing.
He also sends they all send their love and not to worry. Hope you all hear from your kids soon. Wish I was there - how about you???
Dylan's mom - Debbie Richey
P.S - keep up sending comments the blog site is exciting and I go on to check it as often as I can - I am a stay-at-home mom, so call me anytime. I attached a few pics from the party, just thought if your child was in them you might like to see, even though it is a bit after the fact.
Thanks for the update Debbie! Maybe all the snacks we sent in Andrews suitcase will come in handy. I sure wish the kids could send us their pictures via the web! I would love to see it! Thanks all for the messages.
Kathy Flood (aj's mom)
Do the kids have a phone in their rooms at this location? Also when would be the best time to catch them? I tried to call at 8am their time and they had already left for the day. The hotel said they went on a cruise and would be gone the entire day.
Laurie Morgan
Thank you all for the great updates! Who knows if we'll hear from Maddy anytime soon? It sounds like they're making wonderful memories. I do hope the missing luggage has shown up or does very soon. I'm sure they are all taking good care of each other! Let's just hope all remaining flights fun a bit more smoothly! Everyone have a wonderful weekend!
The Gum family
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