I just faxed Matt a little letter to the hotel. Don't know if he will get it or not, but the Hotel Accommodations List we were given had phone and fax numbers. Figured it might be a good way to send him a little update from home. Also wanted to let him know that I had found his gloves on the floor of our bedroom...and remind him not to spend all his Visa Buxx $$ in Fiji...lol. Can't help giving advice even when they are half way around the world...it's a mom thing. Just thought I'd pass the idea on in case anyone else was so inclined and hadn't thought to communicate via fax.
Tedi Posladek
1 comment:
I just found out that international rates from Sprint long distance from our house to Fiji was in excess of $5 per minute..ridicules! So I found a website that sells immediate access virtual calling cards--about 19 cent per minute to Fiji---I bought one for $10-got 54 minutes with it and the called the hotel and left a message for my daughter--2 minutes worth of time expended--not bad--about 40 cents vs 10 bucks--anyway this is the website that I got it from... www.callingcards.com and I picked the $10 "FAR EAST" card
Cary Lieberman-Abby's Dad
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