I stopped by the AAA store today to check out his balance since we have just passed the 1/2 way point of this trip. We send him with mucho cash and a very health stipend on a pre-paid VISA card.
While we may be 1/2 way through the trip, he's 80% through his VISA money!!!!!!!! I have no idea about the cash situation since I've received only two short emails. One explaining he had dropped my camera in a waterfall and the other telling me he had replaced it!!!???!!!
So now I'm torn. Do I teach him financial discipline? Or do I load a couple hundred more on so that he can enjoy himself. I suspect it will be the latter. After all, how many times in his life will he do this? 

But darn it, he's gonna mow the lawn the rest of the year. And wash my Cooper!
Definitely give him more money---BUT he WILL mow the lawn and cut the grass!! Also, he must buy you at least one extra gift!! :-)
Brake Family
Once in a lifetime opportunity... give him more cash but let him know that anything he spends will will have to repay (or at least attempt to repay). That makes the spending more "thoughtful" and he will REALLY want whatever he buys (which makes it even better!). Did that with mine and he is doing OK, (I think, hasn't called so no news is good news). He had a regular Visa card. Shot him an email.
I am also sooos happy for other parents whose kids are spending money. On the other hand, we are concerned that Sarah is not spending money. She has spent $40. on her buxx card. Even if she spent her foreign cash she has not spent even close to what we expected her to spend. Sarah is pretty tight with money but we told her before she left, and we have told her on the phone: spend money, buy stuff, have fun. I think she is having fun but may regret when she gets home that she did not purchase more!
You're all lucky. Abby aparantly just wants to forget we exist at all. She, too has a regular visa, but i see only one $35 charge on it (am hoping it's something for ME, since it's at Jade gift shop. however I'm not counting on it. She does have quite a lot of currency on her, but i am surprised (yahoo!) to not see lots of charges. I, too, hope she's not sorry she didn't get more things there ... sometime's she's a little too cautious (gee, where does she get that?) We are planning to call there tonight. Looks like the itinerary shows they MAY have a little 'down' time later today. I really miss her :-(
Oh, I'm sure Marie will make me put on at least another $200. He's usually pretty tight with money...but heck, he's usually not in Fiji, New Zealand and Australia!!! I would be doing the same thing.
Thanks for the comments!
when are the best times to e-mail you with tidbits so they can be posted most quickly and when should we just comment on other blogs, knowing that some people might not be checking those?
Anytime is a good time to email. I get to them as soon as I can. Seldom is it more than a couple hours later. But I do have to make a living, now and again.
And I personally think it's good news when they don't call. It shows their independence and maturity. They are growing up. We've done our jobs. More to do. But so far so good.
Well, it's that or he hates us. Whatever. :p
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