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Postcard On The Way
We too had an early morning wakeup call from Zach at4:45. He only had one minute left on one calling cardso he used that to tell us he was calling us back withhis second card. Gave us a minute to wake up I guess.He had me time his call so he only used half of hiscard and could save the other half for a call fromAustralia. He is having a great time. Wanted to knowif I'd received his postcard (not yet). Luckily heenjoyed his homestay. And is looking forward to theMarae stay. Said his room was fine and that theprevious night they were at like a bunk house. Wepretty much have to interview him also, he did soundtired. Their room must be pretty quiet if both Zach &Jacob aren't big talkers. He did say it was cold buthe layered up and was fine in his hoodie. Carroll's
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