Meredith Christian has emailed me a really cool web link involving one of the upcoming events the kids will be participating in. I think it's great and that everyone would love to see it. But I'm hesitant to publish the link or date/time the kids will be there.

I also have a really cool link for what they are doing today. And as it is 11:07 a.m. there right now I'm sure they are well on their way. But yet I really don't want to give the info out till they are gone.
So my question is this:
- Do you think I'm being too cautious? Would you rather me give you the info as I have it when it concerns events or would you rather I wait till the event is over?
After all, the chances of bad guys reading this blog are almost nil. But none-the-less...
Please respond by comment below. Your input is most valuable to me.
I think you are handling it fine by waiting until after the kids are gone. You are right that the likelihood of someone using the information to cause harm is probably not even a remote possibility. Nevertheless...we try to teach our kids to use caution and we should model that for them as well. Your prior experience makes me want to trust your instinct in this situation. I'll be just as interested in seeing it a few hours after they have left. Thank you so much for this blogsite...I check it all the time...I just like knowing what time it is in Fiji and thinking about what they might be experiencing.
Tedi Posladek
Chris-I agree that we may not want any identifying day, place or time available on the blog before the kids are doing something. I suppose you could put any pictures up and with the parents knowing what is coming up on the schedule of activities on the P2P web site they could figure out what it was or you could just hold things till they have finished the activity and then post things. What ever everyone thinks. Meredith
My husband is in the military. Better safe than sorry. I would love the info after the fact. I have become accustomed to this belated info because my husband has been deployed 3 times in the past 5 years. Thanks for all your hard work. I have not heard from my son yet and there hasn't been any debit activity, so this is the only info I am getting. THNAK YOU.
We talked it over and agree with waiting until the event is over. You can never be too cautious. (We are loving the blog also!)
Would it be cool for us to see this as it happens? Then go for it...but if not wait.
Kathy Flood
No matter how bad I want to know what the kids are doing I think being safe is best! Really neet blogsite. I am new to this. Thanks for all the hard work!
I prefer to err on the side of caution, although having the opportunity to see things as they happen would be amazing. I will say that part of this journey for the students is "real" independence and an opportunity to find their way in self reliance, teamwork, responsibility and if we were able to see things sooner, I kind of feel we're invading their experience a bit? (selfishly I would love the opportunity to know what they are doing sooner...especially b/c we haven't heard from Maddy and also hasn't had any activity on her debit) Hmmm, maybe Mom's feeling a bit lonely? Thanks to all of you who provide updates from your kids, ideas that anyone has, advice, etc. I check the blog a lot and I know my husband does from work as well. This was a great idea. I don't know how much work it took for you to set up Chris, but I'm incredibly thankful for your time and effort!
Melisa Gum
Many of you know that I'm over-protective mother #1 and I'm in a panic because I forgot to give her the pair of gloves she wanted to pack... :-) With the recent events to ADULT tourists and local teens, I feel even stronger about protecting our children in EVERY way. Truly what difference does it make whether we find out about an event when it occurs, or hours later? I havent' heard a word from Abby since they left the states, so unless I can get one of you to ask about Abby, I'm guessing I'll not hear a word about the trip at all until she gets home! The only time she's been away from home has been one-night-at-a-time sleepovers with school friends...
Chris - thank you SO much for this blog. I'd be going crazy without it! I'm not as computer savvy as I'd like, so I look to people like you for help. Thanks again!
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