She was alone on her home stay, and it was fabulous. Her family was wonderfully nice, and lived on a 215 acre farm. Abby and one of the other P2P girls and both host families had dinner the second night. She has to buy another bag Friday because she has bought too much stuff and her host family sent home gifts for ALL of our family in addition to her, so her luggage is over limit. She even remembered to buy a gift for her Grandfather in FL who has cancer!

She eats big breakfast, selecting carbs often, as usual, eats little or no lunch (by choice). Reports her pants ‘fall off her’. She LOVED the Hard Rock. She said “Mom, I had a hamburger and it was SOOOOOO GOOOOD! I haven’t had a really good hamburger for SOOOOO long.” For my daughter, hamburger withdrawal is a serious thing! One night they had ribs and said they were really good too. Have had laundry at just about every hotel. This one is in the parking garage so all the kids say they’re going to do laundry and are playing kick the can, etc in the garage. Some of them bought these little ‘guns’ that shoot some sort of an umbrella-shaped thing. One hit a car in the lot and set off its alarm. Too funny. They are having so much fun!
No surprise some of the cliques that have formed are pretty strong, although most of the kids kind of move around from one ‘group’ to the other depending on whether they need silliness/cheering up, quiet time, gossip, game-playing, intelligent conversation(?) or something else. “Couples” formed, and ended, friendships came and went. Abby really is tightly connected to a few of the girls and says one of her closest friends on the trip is a guy. I’m glad. She needs some guy friends!

The kids are all upset that the trip is drawing to an end. She said there will be lots of tears at the airport when they all say goodbye. Can’t wait to see how differently they interact at the ‘reunion’ party than at the ‘bon voyage’ party. I hope we can help encourage and provide ways these kids can stay close. This is the first time in years that I’ve seen her develop these kinds of ties and they can really build nice relationships from it if we help remind them to include P2P friends in other events, and plan events where either the kids, or kids and families can spend time.
Janis Lieberman
I can't wait to hear all the stories. I have only heard snipets. I did find out AJ did the fast luge 8 times and got some sort of certificate for it. AJ saw a sting ray when they went snorkeling and he enjoyed it. AJ is rooming with Alex and Skylar right now. I really hope AJ keeps in contact with his P2P friends!! I know I will gladly encourage it!!
Kathy (AJ's mom)
Janis, what a wonderful conversation! I can't wait to talk to Sarah when she gets home! I also hope we can keep these friendships going. I can't believe they are getting ready to start their last day!
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