Hi Chris,
Hey I'm Kristina Knight's mom and I am a photographer and have access to the types of programs we would want to use for this and I would be willing to come up with something that everyone would enjoy and could keep the cost down. After the kids get back and they get all of the pics done they would just need to get me the four or so they want and I can do the rest with music and captions and so on. I just need the photo's from the parents and the music that everyone wants to hear. It's up to the group. I would be more than happy to do this.
Just let me know what you think,
Shelly Knight
Hey I'm Kristina Knight's mom and I am a photographer and have access to the types of programs we would want to use for this and I would be willing to come up with something that everyone would enjoy and could keep the cost down. After the kids get back and they get all of the pics done they would just need to get me the four or so they want and I can do the rest with music and captions and so on. I just need the photo's from the parents and the music that everyone wants to hear. It's up to the group. I would be more than happy to do this.
Just let me know what you think,
Shelly Knight
Editor's Note: I for one would rather use someone who is part of the delegation. And/or we get the kids to do it as a project. But that would probably turn into a logistical disaster...
I think this is a great idea. I would love to keep cost down if at all possible or at least give it to someone we know personally.
Kathy (aj's mom)
We are all for keeping it "in the family." Having the kids come up with suggestions for photos and music is awesome. I'm sure they would have different music than the adults would choose. Thanks soooo much for wanting to do this!! The PTP Family is AWESOME!!
Valerie Brake
I also think putting this job with someone "in the famiy" is a great idea! Of course keeping the cost down is always a fine idea! Thanks!
Yes, thank you very much! I, too, am thrilled that we have such wonderful people, and such great talents, within the group. No wonder the kids are all so fantastic, right?
It will be tough keeping it to such a few per family. I mean, we'll have group shots, individual or 'small group' shots, some kids who seem to be in every photo and some who appear to have not been on the trip at all :-)
Maybe a listing of pix including when/where they were taken, a brief statement of what was going on, and who was in them could be created by the child of the family submitting them. Then, we can create a sort of 'index' for the CD/DVD to keep with it.
What software do you have? I'm interested in being able to do this ourselves with other family pix.
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