Check comment about international calling card under the “Fax-ual Idea” note. The on-line calling card Cary got worked great.
We just talked to Abby for about 30 minutes – for less than $10 !! (Sprint operator last night had quoted me over $5 per minute to call direct from home!) The first thing she said was “why did you call?” Too funny! She sounds awesome (“wananavu” in Fiji ) didn’t even sound tired.
She, Kaylen and Kathryn (sorry if those aren’t spelled correctly) are roommates. She says that their Sprint calling cards don’t work there. I understand I forgot to give Abby the information to use hers internationally but she says she wouldn’t have called us anyway – she’s too busy. She’s made lots of friends. She never goes to her room – just to go to the bathroom and sleep. Hers is one of the lesser rooms but obviously couldn’t care less. Abby’s bought lots of gifts and has lots of money left.
All the kids are doing well, although with the types of activities they’re doing, there have been a few cuts and bruises here and there… nothing major. They went to the school with the Fiji kids and about 14 went on a yacht trip with them today. Her favorite part was yesterday going on the long boats and they got to jump in the river. She’s amazed at how beautiful that trip was. They’re seeing a demonstration in the village of how they walk on hot coals.
Don’t be fooled by the beautiful water in the pictures online. She said it’s actually all brown. They don’t go to the ocean – they go to the pool. The ocean water is only ankle to knee deep and empties out in the afternoon – assume with the tide.
She says that the people there are nicer than they are in Kansas – that you say “Bula” to everyone – it means hello. She’s excited because they get to “sleep in” tomorrow – until 7:30!
They have buffets for breakfast and again for dinner. They have different themes for dinner and had Italian tonight and it was good. Lunches are a different story.
** BIG NEWS – They will have internet access “TOMORROW”… meaning Sunday afternoon our time… They are going to a village where they can have internet access for $5 and hour! I understand that MANY are planning to do that. Send e-mails now! J
Janis Lieberman
Now here is an email that has to do with your money and your kids and those telephones/faxes/portable communication devices.
Chris--I posted ths as a comment under the Fax-ual Idea posting but thought you may want to make it a separate posting--- .
I just found out that international rates from Sprint long distance from our house to Fiji was in excess of $5 per minute..ridicules! So I found a website that sells immediate access virtual calling cards--about 19 cent per minute to Fiji---I bought one for $10-got 54 minutes with it and the called the hotel and left a message for my daughter--2 minutes worth of time expended--not bad--about 40 cents vs 10 bucks--anyway this is the website that I got it from... www.callingcards.com and I picked the $10 "FAR EAST" card. We did use the card and got over 45 minutes of talking time with Abby and the card is rechargeable. We will be buying one for New Zealand and Australia when they get there as well. No extra $$ needed for access numbers either.
Cary Lieberman-Abby's Dad
I just found out that international rates from Sprint long distance from our house to Fiji was in excess of $5 per minute..ridicules! So I found a website that sells immediate access virtual calling cards--about 19 cent per minute to Fiji---I bought one for $10-got 54 minutes with it and the called the hotel and left a message for my daughter--2 minutes worth of time expended--not bad--about 40 cents vs 10 bucks--anyway this is the website that I got it from... www.callingcards.com and I picked the $10 "FAR EAST" card. We did use the card and got over 45 minutes of talking time with Abby and the card is rechargeable. We will be buying one for New Zealand and Australia when they get there as well. No extra $$ needed for access numbers either.
Cary Lieberman-Abby's Dad
1 comment:
This is the first I've heard of Kaylen and it's welcome news. She has an AT&T phone card and I expect it would work, she's probably just too busy. We should be used to it since it's her 3rd P2P trip. We got 2 calls the 3 weeks she was in Europe last year. I know she's having fun cuz she's used her VISA BUXX card, so I know she's done some shopping. It's great reading everyone else's posts. Thanks!
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