Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Day In Sydney :: What A Day!!!

Okay, the kids must have had a very busy and fun day yesterday. Check this out from the itinerary;

Who doesn't wish they were there?


Anonymous said...

Okay, the kids have done this without us- when do we get to go without them? a 3 wk trip without kids??? Probably not til they get done with college....why do they get to do all the fun things while I stay home and do dishes, laundry, paint, mow,,,,,oh the life of a parent!
Kathy (aj's Mom)

Anonymous said...

I vote we start a PTP for adults!! (If they have one already, PLEASE sign me up) We have 3 kids, 13, 5 and 2 years. It will be a LONG time before we get such a chance....:-)

Valerie Brake

Chris Lengquist said...

I have to agree. We have 4 kids. 14, 12, 9 & 2. I'll be 132 years old before I'm done paying for college and weddings. Naturally, the last two are girls...

Anonymous said...

Chris - I'm really learning what a commedian your guy is! Jacob sounds like a real fun kid. He's really kept everyone lightened-up on the trip! Bet your house never stops rolling.

Anonymous said...

check out and for the no-kids-allowed trips....

pam treu