Something Different can make the DVD from our photos anywhere from $1.00 a photo to $3.75 per photo. The $1.00 per photo is just a photo to a photo to a photo. No music, no transitions. $3.75 is top of the line with transitions, zoom ins and music.
I suggest something towards the top since we'll have so many ways to divide this and it's a great trip that deserves some quality. If we settle in at the $3.55 per photo mark and put in approximately 164 photos (a donation average of 4 photos per delegate) the DVD would last about 15-17 minutes. Plenty long enough in my mind.
So 164 photos x's $3.55 = $582.50 + $30.00 rip charge = $612.50 for production, plus tax.
Each DVD would then be $5.50, plus tax. (I'm gonna work on this price a bit and see if we can't get a little better price...but I doubt it.)
There are 38 families on the calling tree but I'm not sure if that includes the leaders. But should not everyone decide to participate we might have the leaders "take their place" in the numbers. In any case, I'm figuring the cost of participation, production and 1 DVD would be anywhere between $21.50 - $23.95 per person.
Additional DVDs would cost the $5.50 mentioned above. Those might be good for grandmas, future storage and contributors to the trip.
We can work out the details as we move forward. And I would probably ask for at least one volunteer helper. But let me know your thoughts on the costs and if you still believe it reasonable.
The Gum family would be happy to contribute to this project...a great way to have memories of the group that you can take with you to share with friends and families! Also, as you mentioned a "great" gift for contributors! I love this idea.
I think that would be a great way to share memories/pictures of the trip. We would be glad to contribute to that and I like the idea of getting extra copies for family, etc. Meredith Christian
Hello all! We would love to participate in anyway. Definitely put us down for a cd or two!
Valerie Brake
We are definitely in. Actually...might be a nice group gift to the leaders if we just gave them one. (Just a thought) We are probably good for 4...possibly 5.
Another Thought...
Chris, the photos you selected for each country on the blog were really nice, and I remember someone asking you about them. If the photo resolution is high enough, maybe use those as intros into each country section on the DVD? Just an idea for consideration.
Sounds fine with me. I would also gladly put a less "professional" one together with a bunch of the remaining pictures. AJ has only taked 200 pictures so far. I laughed because he said one of the girls takes a picture of everything. He said if I missed a cool tree or building-you can get a copy of it from her I am sure. So thank you for your child that has taken 800 pictures and 4 rolls of underwater pictures! I think this will be Kate-so thanks Kate for your photos!
Kathy (aj's mom)
We'll see about using the blog photos. Technically, I'm not sure if I'm on shaky ground or not because of copyright. I've tried to use non-professional photos. And this blog isn't a commercial site. However, it may be pushing it to grab these photos for continued use.
I really don't want someone upset with us for using their material without their permission. But I am checking in to it.
we would love to help contribute -count us in on whatever is required.
The Vaughn Family
I'm betting that Maddy may be the one taking pictures of trees and dirt or rocks. She takes pictures of bizarre things sometimes (although always turning out quite cool). I'm hoping that she's taking great pictures and actually getting into some of them herself! As we STILL have yet to hear from her, I have no idea! Please tell your kids to tell her hello from her parents!
We will try to get our pictures downloaded right away. I will have my computer with me, but my internet access will be greatly limited, so let us know right away what we need to do as soon as our pics are downloaded.
We also would probably purchase several cd's/dvd's to give as gifts. I hope this all works out, as it's such a great idea!
Melisa Gum
The Hargett's are in! What a great idea. Cole
It may be Abby. Boys-his words were "she sees a tree and says thats a cool tree lets take a picture". We may tease her about it but I bet she will have the best pictures of ALL of them!!!
Want me to tell AJ to tell her to call?
we are in too. For at least 2 or 3 Taylor hasnt taken many pics so that will be great.
The Henderson's are also interested in the DVD and the Walgreens download (so that we will have some pictures!).
Yes, I'd be thrilled if anyone can get her to call...
I'd like to know if it was Abby and wouldn't be surprised. She's always loved that kind of stuff... was on a crusade to save the trees of the world as a very young child... and, as for rocks, I have a HUGE rock collection that was begun by my mother in the 1950's when the "Eisenhower Interstate system" was begun... all the excavation yielded amazing rocks exposed by the roadside... all of which, Abby's grandmother thought needed a good home... at our house. Abby has always thought this is cool and we have all of those rocks now at OUR house. She loves to find them herself to add to the collection.
Anyone else have any news?
Janis, we called Sarah a couple of days ago since we could call at 6:00 am our time to get her at the hotel. She has a sprint card and she is still saying her sprint card will not work and that other sprint cards still do not work. She also said the hotel they are in now, in Australia, will not allow international calls from the rooms. I did tell her that she could have gone the front desk at any of the hotels and they could have told her how to use the card. Even when we did call, it was brief and she was trying to talk to us and to the other girls in the room.
So, not sure if Abby has a sprint card but thought I would let you know.
Collin/Farr Family would love to participate.
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