Marie and I were very excited to hear from Jacob. But as usual we had to interview him since he always answers with the fewest amount of words possible. Joan Rivers he's not.
Some of the highlights of what he said:
- Currently rooming with Armon & Zach. They haven't been rotating that much because of schedules.
- His home stay was with Jack. Jacob did NOT like his home stay. Said the family cusses all the time and wondered out loud in front of the kids how much they could sell their home stay gifts for. His exact word was "horrible."
- Said the rest of the trip has been "awesome." Airline travel excepted, of course.
- Loved the waterfall in Fiji. Even tried octopus which surprised me big time.
- He bought two photos that cost him $40. He gave me the photo codes. I tried them and they didn't work. Maybe the photos aren't up yet?
- In Fiji he roomed with Alejandro (sp?) and said his room was "awesome."
- The luge was "really cool" and his favorite activity so far.
- Went "ab surfing" at FullOn. Which I gathered was rappelling.
All in all the trip sounds like it is going to plan. He said the Kiwis were really no different than us. I got the impression that everything was thumbs up. Then, just like that, he said "gotta go." Since it was after 10:00 pm there maybe Brenda came checking?"
I'll keep working on the photo codes and let you know if I figure it out. He bought two photos and they look in sequence. So while you won't know what numbers to try for your kid you can just start pounding them out until you figure it out. I'll keep you updated.
NOTE FROM EDITOR: Grammar errors have been fixed from earlier post. I'm not used to being up at 5:30 in the am!!!!
I am so glad Jake stayed with Jack for the home visit. Jack told us the exact same thing about the home visit. The family cursed alot and the parents didn't seem to want him there. I didn't ask him if he stayed with another ptp ambassador. I am relieved someone else was there. Otherwise, Jack is having the time of his life and loves it all. cindy dunn
Thank the good Lord your children weren't alone for that! I hope that, after the trip is over, any families whose children have been with this kind of home-stay family makes sure to report them to P2P. This isn't the kind of place where kids on future ventures should stay, in my book. I'm sorry your kids had that experience and hope none of the others did. What a crummy thing!
I wanted to call Washington after I got off of the phone with Jacob even though it was 3:30 am their time. Chris told me that we could do it on Monday. Other that the crummy home stay, Jacob really seemed to be having a great time. I am so glad it is only one more week, I am sooooo missing my boy. It was so good to hear from him. As soon as the phone started ringing I knew it was him. :)
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