Remember, as soon as you have news give me an email at listwithchris@kw.com so that we can get it posted.
Also, if you have any photos from today we can put on the blog, email them to me and I'll take care of it. (My only digital camera is heading to DFW right now.)
One last thing. You can use the links provided to the right to follow the flights. Just click on the appropriate airline and put in their flight number.
Thank you for setting up this blog. I'm really excited to be able to check in and see how not only my daughter is doing, but how the "group" is doing as well. We also left prior to departure, so we don't know what time the flight took off either. Thanks for the links to follow the flights. This is all incredibly helpful! Have a great week!
-Melisa Gum, parent of Maddy Gum
Thanks for the comments! I'm hopeful this can be a fun and useful tool.
yes, thank you very much for your time, and definitely for your expertise... i'm nearly computer illiterate and this is actually helping me learn something as well as staying connected with Abby a little bit.
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