Looking at your itinerary for yesterday you will see that the kids visited Roturua, New Zealand which was a a spa town built around mineral springs, a lake and geysers. The really cool thing they got to do, at least in my scrambled mind, is go to the top of Mount Ngongotaha (there are several acceptable spellings, I found) and then come down on luges. Check out this website that will show you exactly what they did!
It would also be cool if they got to meet members of the City Council. As I understand it, there were no guarantees of that.
Today's events also look very cool. I'll be posting a link to that website tomorrow. The exciting thing there is they have a button on their website that says "See Today's Pictures." Looks to me like some enterprising photographer photograph's the visits of these tourism groups and puts them online for sale. If this is in fact the case, I'll imagine that he will sell some pictures to this group!

I want to take the luge ride!
Kathy flood
I tried to look at the pictures but you need a code, bummers! I live vicariosly through my kid.
Maybe he'll call but I am not making any bets on it. I'll probably hear from him when I see him getting off the plane on Jun 23. :( Thanks for everyone else's updates though.
Rene Rejai
The Luge ride does look fun. Also-You know that any info about you kid looks good when you get excited that they used their Visabucs card 3 times in NZ. We are in the haven't gotten any phone calls but got 2 short e-mail group. Thanks for putting the Poll up and the info from everyone. Meredith Christian
Kaylen spent a lot of money yesterday on her Visa BUXX. that's pretty much as good as hearing from her. LOL. I can't wait to see what she got at the Jade Factory.
Pam Treu
I was afraid we might need a code. We may have to call and beg.
Yeah! I know Taylor is alive and shopping! She used her debit card 4 times in NZ so far. That is the first piece of info I have received about her. :)
Kristin Vaughn
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