Monday, June 18, 2007

Weather in Australia

My cool little weather widget that I've been using has been down all day for the conversion to Australia. So I've had to find another one. But those darned Australians are using Celsius.

So to help those of you who are like me...

1.00000 Celsius = 33.80000 Degree Fahrenheit


Anonymous said...

you can look at and see the degrees in fahrenheit.


Anonymous said...

when I looked ath it was interesting to see they have 5 hours less day light than we!


Anonymous said...

It's 371.8F in Austrilia?!?!?!
This should work better:
(1.8 x Tc) + 32 = Tf

So it's now 11C
(1.8x11)+32 = 57.6 F

That is a relief.

Aunt Julie

Chris Lengquist said...

371F would give them more to talk about. :)